Women entrepreneurs are you scared to be seen?

I was working with a client recently, a 20+ year veteran in her industry, who has been hesitating to put herself out-there on Social.

She said “I have no problem getting up in front of a room of live people, but I can’t turn on the camera. What the hell is going on?”

She came to me because we had worked together almost a year before, and she knew I wasn’t a typical coach. She came to me because she had experienced my intuitive gifts of discernment and knowing/hearing/seeing the beliefs that are not on the surface, but the ones that are really running the show down below.

In this particular session we were getting into the judgements she had about her industry. Something that others in her field were doing that was just wrong. 

(I am omitting details for privacy)

She almost started yelling with me on zoom because she’s so passionate about this!

After we identified multiple smaller beliefs, stories and opinions that were supporting this pattern of judgement she had developed, I asked her one of my favourite questions. One that always brings up the deep stuff. I ask this in sessions so that I can see the real “Stuff" and clear it for good.

I will share that question with you soon. 

Once I asked this question, she saw “Oh god, I just feel like I should be more successful. Where the hell did that come from?”

This led to the biggest realization and sharing of all, that she judges herself constantly. 


I see this happen all the time with powerful and successful women in business. They judge themselves mercilessly. They are their own worst enemy. They have an overdeveloped Inner B*** that says things like 

“Who do you think you are?”


“Don’t get too big for your britches!”

These judgements and more seem to run on auto pilot in their heads.

Would you like to know how I started to help this client break this pattern?

What was that powerful question I asked?

It’s this …

“What do you get to avoid, what do you never have to deal with or face because you are busy judging others and/or yourself?” 

I would love it if you’d take that to your journal, your next walk, or your next session with your coach and write me back with your big “Ah-ha!”

When I ask this in person with clients I can literally see, or hear, (sometimes feel) what “the thing” is. And when we see it, and clear it energetically, results show up; These women start doing their FB lives, they start reaching out to the IDEAL clients that they want to work with, they launch that new bold program.

Most importantly they put down the back pack of all the crap, all the B.S.judgements they’ve been carrying, sometimes since childhood, so that they are free to climb their personal mountain with ease … and inner peace.


The Impostor Complex: A key to inner peace and business success


“If you build it, they will come” lie #4 of the Impostor Complex