5 Day Prayer Experiment

Welcome to the 5 Day Prayer Experiment page.

If you are joining us, get ready for some change!

Step 1:

You already expressed your interest on FB. Awesome!

Step 2:

Click the “Buy Now” button and make your payment.

Step 3:

Email me, Wil, with your intention at wil@myspiritualclarity.com with the answer to the following question:

What do you want to get out of this prayer time together?

You can either keep it short, or make it as long as you like. However, if you need to write a big amount, please also include a simple one line summary that I can more easily read before each prayer to stay present to your request.

Step 4:

Stay tuned by email or FB for the start date and time of each live prayer.

Step 5:

If you can’t make it live (since the times can vary each day of the week) Come back to this page each day for a recording of that day’s prayer. I don’t do them at the same time every day. I keep this flexible and creative.

That is it!

Once you are all signed up I will start adding everyone to a special, charged, joyful energy bubble that is filled and maintained by direct Source Energy.

Then I will be praying for you each day.



It all started when…

I took this course once called “Discover your sacred gifts” in 2006. It was one of the first personal or spiritual development courses I ever took.

This course said that there were 24 sacred gifts that we all have access to. Each person on the planet has, according to this course, 4 or 5 gifts. When we discover our gifts and align our lives to them, our lives improve and we become of greatest service to others.

When the gift of “Intercessory Prayer” came up, I had this strange knowing feeling come over me. I didn’t even know what it was, or what the term “Intercessory” meant, but I knew my life was about to change.

I asked about it and shared a little bit of my limited experience with prayer. I shared that I would often get “Calls” intuitively that someone needed energy send (I wasn’t an energy healer yet) or that when I heard about someone’s baby passing away my immediate reaction was to go into prayer (I didn’t believe in “god” in any form yet).

Then I asked “So do you think I have this gift?”

The reply was “Yes, Wil. I think you do. I don’t know many other 21 year old guys whose first idea is to pray when someone’s baby passes away. Safe to say, this is you!”

I hope my gift, and this powerful healing work of Prayer, can serve you deeply on your journey to wherever you are going and with whatever you are creating!



Here is and example of the Prayers from a previous Prayer Experiment,

Please note*

Do you remember that old Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald Classic song …

“When I say Tomato you say Tomato

When I say God you say Spirit.”

Those were the lyrics, right?