Private Sessions
Energetic Business Consultation
Clear the energetic blocks so you can grow your visibility and your practice.
Ideal for Therapists, Coaches and Healers in their first 5 years, or who are not yet at a full time practice.
Intention - Expand your Visibility, Remove the blocks to business growth
In this one-on-one session, I will get to know you, your business, and what comes up for you on the topic of visibility and being more seen.
Do you love it? Hate it? Where do you want to grow to next? Are you truly ready to “Put yourself out there”? Or do you hold back sometimes?
Do you have a book, or new offer, you’re trying to promote but you fear that next level of expansion?
Do you have something you KNOW will help many people, but you are afraid to put yourself out there?
In this 50 minute session you will:
Learn about the 8 Pillars of the Impostor Complex.
Identify which of the 8 Pillars holds the key to your next level of growth; where did you get stuck?
Identify (And Clear!) the specific limiting belief that is keeping you stuck.
(OR identify which specific business practice you’ve been neglecting that will make the greatest difference. Sometimes the block is energetic, sometimes it is strategic.)
You will also get my PDF download of the full “8 Pillars of the Impostor Complex”. This has deeper information on each of the pillars, and energetic tools you can use for each one.
Continuing Client Private Session
My clients typically work with me on a 6 month program. After that you are welcome to book one off sessions as well to continue the progress!
Some sessions go exactly as you’d expect and many go in a completely different direction than you ever thought. We may think we know what is blocking us, but if we truly knew, we wouldn’t be blocked.
In a private session you will discover and then release the beliefs, stories and energies that are keeping you stuck or not creating the expansive results that you’d like.
One 50 minute live zoom sessions
Solo Session - $497 USD
These sessions are done live on zoom.
During each session you can expect to clear specific negative beliefs, step out of specific unsupportive stories and to use the “Return to Sender” tool for all those beliefs that you’ve been holding onto for other people.
In each session we continue to dig down until we see where you are energetically misaligned, where you are lying to yourself and distracting yourself from the truth of what is really going on. Once you see this distraction, we clear it, at the point of creation.
Once we clear these beliefs and distractions, you will feel empowered, free and ready to move forward with greater clarity, creativity and effectiveness.
25 minute distance healing session
Remote Energy Clearing Sessions - $110 USD
In remote energy clearing sessions I will help to clear the path, energetically and magically, for your continued success and expansion.
I will clear entities, entanglements, negative influences and any past life connections you have felt holding you back. This is not a “Magic pill”, you still have to engage in your own work, and it will help to grease the energetic wheels of your business and life so that you can have more ease, joy and Magic as you move forward.
Please Note:
When you purchase one Remote Clearing Session, it is split into two separate 25 minute time periods that happen over two weeks. Therefore one “Session” spans 2 weeks. I do it this way to give your system time to integrate, and to give you time to email me in between with the new insights and stuff that comes up.