Creating a Healing practice online can feel like a dance …

Between doing Business and honouring your Heart.



Is this you?

As a Healer, Coach or Therapist you started your work to change lives. You want to create a wonderful Healing or Coaching practice that can sustain your life and help others.

You want to have your cake and eat it too: Help others and make a living.

But since you started your business, you’ve learned that there is all this other stuff you have to do if you want to have a successful business.

  • Marketing

  • Self promotion

  • Being more “visible”

It feels almost impossible to do all that and to be You. The real You.


Is it Safe?

On top of all that, if you’re an empath or energetically aware person, being online and promoting your work doesn’t always feel safe. It can feel superficial or inauthentic. If you’re being honest, you probably wouldn’t choose to be doing all this marketing and promotion stuff at all!

Am I right?!

You might even be thinking

“Could someone else please just do this for me????”

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything?

If you’re stuck and not able to put the real You out there, you may be wondering “Is something blocking me?”

You’ve tried business coaching, energy healing, EFT, affirmations, journaling, prayer, shamanic healing and so much more.

But It hasn’t worked.

It could feel like some hidden force is making the journey harder than it has to be.

How else could you work so hard, do so much, but still not get the results you want?

why those approached didn’t fully work.

Those tools and techniques helped, some more than others. But if you’re still reading this you are still searching for the specific solution to feel safe and authentic in your online marketing and growth.

The challenge, as I see it, is that you haven’t identified the exact limiting belief, or chronic pattern, that is holding you back in your business.

What will help.

There are specific limiting beliefs and energetic patterns that hold Healers back.

When you identify the specific limiting beliefs - and clear them - your business changes.

Let me give you an example:

Jane was a client …

She had a practice as an Energy Healer helping women with hormone imbalances. She came to me because she avoided marketing, it felt gross. She felt people should just find her, or be recommended, and she should be able to grow her business without social media.

This might have worked, except that after our first session we saw she had a belief. Her belief was

“I have to work hard for my money”.

She got this belief from her Dad. Once I helped her see this belief, the next step was a bit harder. The next step was for her to become willing to release that belief.

This was hard because it felt unsafe. It felt like we were changing her value system and that she would turn into a lazy “Good for nothing” type person.

Long story short, she did become willing, she did shift it, and she started attracting the right kinds of clients.

This is the core of my work

  1. Understand the problem in your business

  2. Identify the core belief creating this circumstance

  3. Become willing to release that belief

  4. Create a new reality

This work is 90% Intuitive Energy Healing, and 10% Business Coaching.

If your energy/beliefs are not lined up for success, I use my “Bullshit Detector” spiritual gifts to call you on it

If your business practices are not aligned for success, I’ll do the same thing and help teach you what business steps you need to get yourself back in the flow of success.

If you are a Healer or Coach struggling to work with the clients you want because you are avoiding marketing and promotions, you are in the right place.

I help Healers Shine, as themselves, no longer afraid to be seen or to stand out. I help them have the confidence and peace of mind they need to be themselves - to be seen, and to feel safe.



The Spiritual Clarity Community

Build your practice, one step at a time, with Intuitive Business Coaching

and Limiting belief clearing.



Picture this …

You wake up to the sound of your alarm which is the birds chirping outside. It is about 6:30 judging by the sun and you are fully alive, rested and refreshed.

You start your day with Spirit, maybe on the yoga mat, or meditation cushion, or maybe a walk in the woods. (or maybe in another amazing part of the world??? India, Bali, etc!)

You gracefully come to the kitchen to make your breakfast smoothie (Or bacon and eggs you devil you!)

The whole time knowing, grounded in your purpose and mission. You know who you are, what you do, and the amazing clients you serve. You know exactly why you woke up today, and you are excited!


Your first client is at a 11 am.

Plenty of time to connect with some of the amazing colleagues in your life first, agree to be interviewed on that amazing podcast, send the paperwork request to your assistant and then make that video you’ve been meaning to make to please-the-pants off of your private clients.

Later you lead a group call (or in person workshop) and by 3 you’re done. You wrap up your day, and go to the beach with friends, your family, or just your dog.

Life is good. Your business is in flow. You know exactly who you are and you stand in your loving power all … day … long.

When your head hit’s the pillow you think “Well done … well done today on doing what you love, doing great work and moving forward on your mission. Sleep well my friend!”

(Yeah, you also love yourself even more now than you ever thought you could, and it feels wonderful. Happy, like this guy below!)


So how do you get there?


That is where this group and my belief clearing work comes in. Stick with me for awhile and you will trust (and love) yourself more than you ever thought you could.

What this group is in brief:

  • This is for you if you are a healer, coach, holistic business and you want to have steady, month to month support to identify and clear specific energy blocks.

  • You want someone who can zero in on EXACTLY what has been holding you back and clear it.

  • You want the no B.S. approach, instead of the “Beat around the bush” approach.

  • You are in business for the long game, you’re not buying the “6 Figures in 6 hours!!!” program anymore

This Community is for those who know that true fulfillment comes from carving your own path, being aligned with your deepest values, and that this cannot be rushed.

It can be accelerated with the right mentorship, but there are no quick fixes and surface tactics won’t work unless you are DEEPLY aligned, at your energetic core.

Highly recommend working with Wil. I’m a regular client of his as he’s helped me to remove so many business and expansion blocks that (even after years and years of personal development work) I didn’t even know were there. During our first session I felt some powerful energy shifts, and lo and behold manifested a new client within one hour after meeting with him.
— Katie

Who the Spiritual Clarity Community is perfect for:

  • Spiritual entrepreneurs tired of being a “Best kept secret”

  • Life coaches who have been focused on a local market and are ready to expand online and go international

  • Healers who keep taking on everyone else’s energy/“stuff”, and have to work through all of that before they can get back to their business.

  • Coaches and Therapists who hate making videos. They have no problem delivering classes, but they get the heebie jeebies thinking about doing a video for a wider audience.

  • Entrepreneurs who wake up drained from their list of “Should’s” and would like more joy and ease as they grow their business instead.

Who this is NOT a good fit for:

People who hate groups and want more one on one. For that you can check out my Inner Circle Membership.

Those who don’t understand that business, and sorting out your shit, takes time, love, empathy, and real guidance from someone who has been there before. (and is there now!)

You believe that belief clearing has to take a long time, that you always need a ritual or deep emotional processing in order to change.

If you would like more information on my philosophy, what makes my approach different and effective, Let’s go a little deeper …

(p.s. - My hope is that in simply reading these next 5-6 pages you will learn so much that you may not need to sign up for my Monthly Mentorship any longer.)

Exactly what is the Problem?

You’ve been working at your business for a year, two years, 5 years. Every day and week is either stars and rocket ships, or it’s hiding under the covers waiting for the storm to pass.

You are tired of the ups and downs. You’re tired of the sea-saw, the wonderful moments of flow followed by extreme self doubt and feeling like an impostor.

You want more joy, flow, inner peace and spiritual alignment ON the journey, not just at the end of the journey.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Imagine this …

“You’re driving down the road. Its a beautiful country road and you are loving the sunny day with the windows down.

Then you start to get a feeling. Anxiety in your stomach. You don’t know why this is coming up so you pull off to the side of the road to wait for it to pass. But it takes hours and hours and your journey is delayed.

Finally it passes, what was it? You still don’t know.

But you are back and moving again, Yeah!

But then you start feeling afraid, You don’t really know why but something is wrong. In your anxiety you don’t see a big pothole and you bust a tire. Great!

You start to wonder “Maybe I wasn't even meant to do this drive? Maybe the journey was a bad idea?”

Eventually the tow truck come, changes your tire for you, and you’re off again.

But now you are so nervous, you’ve lost all your self belief, and you worry as you drive every step of the way.”

If you are tired of that stop and start poppy-kaka, this Community will help you stay the course, steady, strong, happy, in flow, and joyful.

It’s time to get off the side of the road, release the resistance and soar baby soar!

So why does this happen?

Here’s my take.

Why do you stop and start as a healer, holistic business or life coach?

After working with hundreds of healers in over 27 countries over the past 4 years, I have found that there are only a 2 key area’s that we need to focus on to get you in the flow, loving your life and business, and feeling the guidance of Spirit more often.

Your mindset

  1. Call it belief-set or heart-set, call it your philosophy. Call it your Chakra alignment - I don’t care! If we don’t get your mind, your heart and your beliefs in alignment with where you are going, no tactics will work the way they are designed.

  2. This is where almost all business programs fall down. They give you the strategy, they give you the tactics, but some people always fall through the cracks. Most business programs are ok with that. They know mindset is something that is very tricky to teach. It’s not the same as business formula’s.

  3. You have to find your truth for yourself. No one can teach you that. They can only help you find the way.

  4. What I can help with, and what this Community is designed to do for you, is to identify where you are OFF your truth, where you have left the path, and where you are lying to yourself. Clearing all that crap will help you stay true to YOU more of the time. The more of the time you are being YOU, the more your business will take off.

The best business tactic you can implement, is more of you being YOU.
— Wil Carlos

Right business building blocks

The 4 Building Blocks of any successful business are;

  1. Having a clear Niche

  2. Having a Marketing path that you actually enjoy and do

  3. Having a Sales process that doesn't make you want to vomit

  4. Being able to Follow up authentically, never feeling like you are bugging people.

If you don’t have SOME kind of skill or process with these 4 building blocks of business, you will forever wonder why things aren’t working.

Do you know who you work with well enough to know how to find them?

Con you confidently ask the crucial question “Would you like to work together?”

Do you have a consistent marketing plan that attracts new potential wonderful people to work with?

Do you constantly feel like you are bugging people when you follow up or have you got that sorted out yet?

If these are all big question marks, give me time, let’s clear the beliefs and limiting stories that are keeping the answers to these questions from coming to you with ease, and joy.

If you give me 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, we will get them all sorted out for you in a way that feels good in your soul, no selling out, no more feeling like an impostor.

You will be letting your full gifts SHINE baby!


That all leads to burn out, procrastination, and all the other 8 Pillars of the Impostor Complex.

Which reminds me!

I have this letter here from “The Impostor Complex”. He’s kind of a jerk, but he shows up in my sales letters from time to time. I hope it’s ok to share what he wrote me just now?

IS that ok?

“Hey there, its The Impostor Complex again.

Miss me idiot?

I feel that I most belong under the topic of mindset. But really, Mindset falls under ME as a category. Because mindset doesn’t work. You know that. You know that no matter what you do you’ll always be a fraud.

But I’m getting off track.

So this Wil guy stopped listening to me a few years ago. And it’s been SOOO annoying! He just get’s his work done, he put’s his heart on his sleeve and he’s ok with being rejected.

What a jerk!

(Wanna know a secret? I TOTALLY still get Wil and he doesn’t even know it! He think’s he’s totally expanded. But he doesn’t know he could be 10x, 100x bigger. And I’m holding him back! Ha! And guess what else???? It’s the same for you!

Yup, whoever you are reading this, I’m holding you back. You could be the next Brene Brown, the next Buddha or Jesus even! But I’m here, kicking your butt. Aren’t I the best!!!)

Sooo this Wil guy has developed an entire 8 step frame work to help you identify and clear Me, the Impostor Compllex. And he even figured out that I have 8 specific Pillars that keep people stuck. Damn!

I’ve been so successful because everyone else just says things like “Oh, Impostor stuff? you need more confidence!”

Oh I LOVE it when people try to oversimplify getting rid of me. It never works!

Others say stupid things like “Just act like the success you want to be, and it will be.” HA!!! Oh my god that is a good one. Yeah, good luck with that chump!

So If I have been your best friend for years, please just ignore this Wil guy. He does’t know what he’s talking about. He’s a fraud to ya know? Yup. True story.

You’re not good enough either.

Yup, I said it.

Think you can prove me wrong?

I dare you!”

How was the letter from Mr/Miss Impostor Complex?

Not very nice right??

I know. It’s time to kick him/her to the curb my friends!

Once you understand these 8 Pillars of the Impostor Complex deeply you will never again wonder why you are holding back in your marketing, online promotions, or creating a clear niche that you love.

Three reasons most business programs fail and How the Spiritual Clarity Community is different.

1. They address your limiting beliefs too deeply, or not enough.

I find most programs fail Because they don’t address the beliefs and stories that are keeping you stuck. If they do it’s surface level stuff; Affirmations, visualizations, etc.

OR, they show you energy processes that are way too deep, take too much time and energy. This is great at certain stages, but what do you do if you are in full flow with your business and you don’t want a spiritual sabbatical to figure out all your stuff?

You may not have time for that kind of a deep dive too often.

The Spiritual Clarity Community is the middle bowl of porridge, not to hot, hot to cold, its just right. We go deep, quickly, once a month, so that you can stay on track with your growth, your joy and your amazing work in the world.

2. They are WAY too short.

Too many coaches offer these 4 week programs to get your whole business sorted. I say “No thanks. You won’t get me with that one again online guru’s!”

Or they say …

“Yeah, just pay me 10k and in 2 months we will take you from zero to hero with over 10k launches. Even if you’ve never had a business before.”

Yeah right! You think you can do this in 2 months? Give me a break.

If you are as tired as I am by this pile of B.S. - This Monthly Mentorship could be for you.

The intention of this Community is progress. Solid progress. Energetically stable progress that you can feel great and proud about. No more flashes in the pan.

The intention of this mentorship is that you stay in for at least a year, at a super affordable price, so that you can see changes.

You are free to cancel anytime, but I want you to know my intentions right up front.

3. The 3rd big Reason Many business programs don’t work:

Because They don’t address where you are lying to yourself.

Does that mean I believe that everyone is secretly lying to themselves?


But let’s not be so mean.

What I mean to say is that there is a lack of clarity between your mind and your heart. Between your conscious and unconscious mind.

That is why you so often say “i’m GOING to record 3 video’ this week”. And then promptly do everything else BUT that!

Because you are lying to yourself. There is a disconnect.

Most programs help you power through that, mind over matter, fake it till you make it, affirm your worth and DO IT!

Not this one.

You don’t need force when you are energetically aligned.

When you have spiritual clarity.

This is my specialty. Many clients have described me as a “Human Polygraph”. I can see very clearly where my clients are out of alignment with their true selves, and I help them course correct quickly too that they can have that alignment and clarity.

What I believe is possible.

I believe that Business doesn't have to be hard.

We make it hard because we have crappy and unsupportive beliefs about it.

The things that makes business hard are when you …

Aren’t clear on who YOU really are and what you really offer

Can’t articulate what you offer

Have fears or self doubt about if what you offer is good enough, or if YOU are good enough

Have a message, know what you offer, know you are good at it, but it isn’t YOUR TRUEST OFFER/GIFT

If any of these things are out of alignment, business will be hard.

But if instead you:

Are crystal clear on YOU, who you are and what you offer, even if you don’t have the perfect words yet but you can feel it in your bones and you never doubt it

Have some basic words down to describe what you do so people basically understand it

Are confident, loving and connected with your true worth, and the value of your work

Have Energetic Alignment between the real YOU, an offer that you LOVE and your truest spiritual gift in the world.

Then business doesn’t have to be so dang hard all the time!

My Invitation to you:

I have supported over 500 spiritual entrepreneurs to have more clarity, fulfillment and success for over 6 years in my practice. I would love to help you do the same.

What is this Monthly Mentorship Group?

It is a place for you to shed the layers, the crap, the “Should’s” and stuff that has been making your business growth difficult.

It is a place for you to get back to the real YOU.

Or if you know the real you, this will help you fearlessly and joyfully express that real you out in the world, and know that the right people will resonate and want to work with you.

What this is really about is taking all those things you KNOW you want to and dream of doing, and actually doing them, without push or ego, only inner peace and spiritual alignment.

What would that feel like to you?

Ah, yes, I’ll say it, RELIEF.

Yes, I mean you don’t have to pretend anymore. You can be you.

You don’t have to push anymore.

You don’t have to try to help everyone all the time.

You can have boundaries.

You can do what you love.

You can work in joy.

You can be you, and have it all work out.

That’s it.

What The Spiritual Clarity Community includes: For $97/month

  • One monthly group call where we clear beliefs, I give you homework for your business, and you implement it over the month.

    • Calls happen on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 pm Eastern.

  • A monthly prayer call. This is a non-denominational prayer experience designed to help you move through challenges with more grace and ease. The first spiritual gift I discovered I have is called ‘Intercessory Prayer’. This is a method of Interceding on your behalf with the challenges you face, and the results can be wonderful.

    • This prayer call happens at 12 pm eastern on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Monthly Mentorship “Pro” - $497/month

This includes everything above, plus a solo session with me each month.

That is one full private session with me every month.

My current rate for solo sessions is currently $497.

Again, stay as long as you like, cancel when you like. But my intention is that you are in for a year so you can really track and witness your results.

You also get to come to the group clearing calls in the basic membership as well plus all the other perks.

You’ll get this for the whole year, and then the price will be going up for this option next year.

Sign up here

Monthly Options

When are the calls?

Group clearing and coaching calls

  • The Third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm Eastern

Prayer Call:

  • The First Wednesday of the month at 1 pm Eastern