Clear Your Clutter
and the limiting beliefs that created it
(Pssssttt … so it won't come back!)
In this online workshop we will use Energy Healing and practical clutter-clearing-coaching to help you make space, peace and JOY in your home or office.
If you feel cluttered, cramped, or overwhelmed and long for space, joy and peace to navigate life and work with ease, this workshop is for you!
Join in so you can combine deep energy healing and masterful productivity coaching in this 3 hour online workshop.
By the end you will:
Be be empowered to clear your physical or digital clutter.
Make tangible physical progress during the workshop.
Identify the specific belief or energetic patterns that created the clutter in the first place.
Does this sound like you?
Do you feel cluttered in your home or business?
Do you feel a little embarrassed by an area of your home and/or business?
Have you tried, many times, to “Get organized” but keep falling back into the same unhelpful clutter and cramped feeling?
Do you want to clear a room in your house, or get a certain area of your business truly organized?
Do you want to identify the limiting beliefs that got you into this “Mess” in the first place so it doesn’t come back?
Some things you may have tried:
Grit! - just get it done and make yourself do it.
Ignore it - hope you’ll get to it someday.
Hired a professional to come do it for you. Lasts for awhile, but the piles keep coming back!
Why that hasn’t worked so far:
These options don’t work because they don’t address the reason why the clutter piled up in the first place. This clutter could be in a room in your house, in your email inbox, or in all the idea’s you have in your mind that you want to do but can’t find the time to do.
This is similar to working out daily for your health, but you kept eating McDonalds cheese burgers. Eventually that poor diet will catch up with you, no matter how hard you work out.
What you really need to do to be free of clutter:
To be free of clutter, or to feel truly at peace with the clutter that you do have (yes, that is another option! However, sticking your head in the sand is not the same as “Being at peace with”)
You need:
Identify the root of why you got cluttered in the first place.
Be willing to shift it.
Professional help and a scheduled time to deal with the clutter.
All of this combined will help you overcome your initial inertia and overwhelm so you can get some momentum, some quick wins, and begin building new successful habits.
Note* - “Stuck Energy” could mean unhelpful beliefs (what some would call limiting or negative beliefs) or holding onto other peoples energy/stuff that you could release. Once you shift the energy behind the clutter, it can shuffle along with ease.
Introducing THe
“Clear the Clutter workshop”
Presented by belief clearing expert Wil Carlos, and "Conquer the Chaos" productivity expert Kerry Thomas,
We will help you with:
A Joyful, (Aggressive?!) KICK IN THE PANTS!
OR, call it, “accountability”, to Clean and organize a specific room in your house or area of your business. (Email inbox for example)
Identifying the specific limiting beliefs that got you into that mess in the first place.
Specific maintenance tools for ongoing clarity, both Energetic and Practical.
How do we do this?
Message From Wil
“This workshop is based on a simple premise: If you combine energetic clarity with practical “Clutter Clearing Coaching”, your results will be amplified 10 fold. I will help you Clear Limiting beliefs so that you can naturally and easily Clear the clutter in your life, and keep it gone.
If you clear the clutter, your energy field can open up to receive more of what you want energetically.
I will cover 3 energetic processes you can use, today, to get unstuck and start to free up space.
I will also do “Hot seat” coaching with those who are ready. I will take as many people as we have time for, one-on-one in the group setting, to identify your specific limiting beliefs that are keeping your clutter around.
Message From Kerry
“I will help you build on your strengths and unique learning style to implement systems that will give you SPACIOUSNESS in your life! Imagine feeling spaciousness in your time, environment, and mind.
Specifically what I will cover:
1. How to define clutter
2. Learn the only 3 decisions you need to make about any type of clutter
4. My EASE formula
Anyone can be just takes the right combination of tools and techniques tailored to YOU. Let’s make this personalized approach to Clutter Clearing work for you!”
What you will walk away with
Let’s be real, this is a 3 hour workshop. There is only so much a human being can accomplish in that time!
If you were to pick one specific goal for this workshop, what would it be?
Do you want to:
Clear a spot or space inside a particular room in your house or office?
Clear the pile of papers on the top right corner of your office desk?
Get caught up on email? …. ha! I mean, how about the first 3 pages, that would be pretty great!
Alleviate some of the mental overwhelm or clutter?
Through each of these specific goals, what you will learn is the same; The SYSTEM for processing those papers or things. As well as what is the stuck energy that has made it so hard to get them gone in the first place?
By the end of this workshop you will have
Space. You will have a sense of spaciousness in your mind, body, soul and home.
Peace. You will have peace of mind, peace in your heart.
Clarity. You will feel lighter as you walk away from this work. Clear about what is next.
All of this Clarity, Peace and Space creates a natural environment for Joy to grow. You will enjoy a sense of happiness inside as a natural result of the peace and space you’ve created.
How will we do this? How do you get to space, peace and clarity?
We will combine practical “How-to” instructions on clearing your clutter. You will know exactly WHAT to do. Then we will dig into the energy work, the specific beliefs that are keeping your clutter around.
What you will learn:
The two questions that will alleviate mental overwhelm or clutter.
The Spiritual root of 99% of your Procrastination.
The Energetic root of Overwhelm.
The only three decisions you have to make about any physical or digital clutter.
The Details:
When: The workshop has two times, come to one or both!
Tuesday June 18, 7 pm Eastern - 8:30 pm Eastern
Sunday June 23, 11 am Eastern - 12:30 pm Eastern - DATE CHANGE FROM Saturday the 22nd.
Where: Zoom
Will there be a recording for parts you miss? - Yes
Register Here
Sign up now! Space is limited to the first 20 people.
"I can't believe it! I opened that closet door and stood there staring so many times, but Kerry made it feel easy. Her clutter clearing process is simple and really helped me make decisions quickly. All this to donate in 3 hours! I feel hopeful for the rest of my house."
From Kerry’s Happy Client!
Will there be a Replay?
Yes. If you can’t make a portion, or all, of the workshop you will get access to a replay/
Can I clean a whole space during this time?
We will have practical time to implement the Clutter Clearing System (ideally you will bring a pile of papers or mail to practice the steps) and then you can continue after the workshop. We will give you the tools to know what to do, as well as the energy clearing to help make it easier, and you will still need to put in the work/time/play!
Will I get some "time in the hot-seat” for energy healing and clearing specific beliefs?
We are aiming to take about 20 people for this. This means that anyone who wants one on one attention should get it. Any bigger and this wouldn’t be possible.
Kerry Thomas, owner of Conquer the Chaos, saves busy professionals from being overwhelmed.
She’s an organizing expert who is passionate about helping clients eliminate all types of clutter: physical, digital, mental, emotional, and more from their lives so they experience productivity and peace of mind.
Kerry’s master’s degree in special education, ADD endorsement, and certification as a Productive Environment Specialist™ give her a unique perspective on how learning styles impact organization, time management, and productivity.
She had the honor of speaking at the inaugural TEDx Ashburn event in April 2017, taking a deep dive into the meaning and different types of clutter, in “From Clutter to Clarity” which now has over one million views.
Wil Carlos works with Healers, Coaches and Therapists who sometimes freak out about putting themselves out there online when it feels overwhelming, inauthentic and unsafe.
Wil helps them get to a point where they are able to really be themselves online without being ruled by the fear of criticism or judgment so they can finally share their message and work with the world (Even if that has felt overwhelming or unsafe in the past)
After delivering his signature belief clearing session with 500 people in 28 countries, Wil has honed his direct, honest and “No-fluff” approach to help his clients end self sabotage and confusion.
Described by his clients as a “Human Polygraph” Wil uses his spiritual gift of Claire-Audience to help his clients see exactly where they have been subconsciously staying safe so that they can shift from overwork to ease and fun as they be more of themselves in their business
Wil believes that Being all of YOU in your business is more effective than any marketing strategy.
Sign up now! Space is limited to the first 20 people.