Confident Women ?

 I had this question the other day from a male colleague:

 “If your clients are high achieving women in business, why do you say that you help them have ‘Increased confidence, courage.’

 If you’re talking about "high-achieving" women, then the language suggests that these women likely already have these things you described.”

This colleague is a marketing expert and I had asked for some messaging feedback. I completely understand what he is pointing at, but I think that there is something deeper here to unpack.

The idea that successful women no longer acknowledge an area of opportunity to grow in Confidence and Courage is, I have discovered, totally erroneous. 

I have found that the more successful and high performing a woman is, the more they reach for, work for, and actively engage in the practices of increasing their confidence and courage. 

They are also, paradoxically, are the ones that LEAST acknowledge their current level of confidence and Courage.

Let me say this a different way. 

These high performing women are realistically a 7 or 8 out of 10 on confidence and courage. But they often FEEL like a 5.

And on the flip side, I find many other people are actually a 5, but they think they are a 10!

Here are some real-life examples:

I was shocked to hear a client who had been at the height of the fashion industry, and since owned and successfully operated 3 different brick and mortar business (simultaneously) tell me that she struggled with confidence and courage.

Another client who was currently a 6 figure earner in a rapidly growing Solar Power company had been headhunted from her previous successful business of 17 years. And she still felt stuck, unable to scale, and as she said “Insecure because of what the CEO said to her.” 


My Client Process: 

With both of these clients, they had something holding them back. Not only did they lack clarity, they were actively lying to themselves.

This “Self-lie” is not a negative thing. It is more about self-preservation. 

It could be for safety, physical, emotional or spiritual reasons. It could be preserving the comfort zone that they used to have. Or it could be because of past stories that they lived through that have them afraid to “Step up or step out."

In all of these examples, I help these women see where they have been misaligned, where they have been pulling a fast one on themselves. My clients call this the “Human Lie Detection Process” or the “Truth Process." This is where the rubber meets the road and we get into their deeper truth, to create true alignment between their heads and heart. No more lies!

In Summary:

Yes, I work with women who are high performers, and who struggle to acknowledge and own their current level of confidence or courage.

And I LOVE it!

I have the honour and privilege of healing a client say “I have been winning awards for 17 years for home Staging and Design, and I just know there is more in me. What’s in the way, what’s stopping me from scaling to the next level Wil? Why do I feel … stuck?”

Are they focused on the negative or what’s not working? Maybe, maybe not.

Are they the game changers, the difference makers, the ones that are here to change the status quo of business and making a world that works for EVERYONE, not just a few at the top? - 100% YES!!!!!

Women of Vision, Courage and Confidence. I am honoured to be your Clarity Coach! 

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