What to do when you’re resisting change
I have been making some big changes in my business recently. I’m trying to take it to the elusive “next level.” Let me tell you, it’s not as easy as it looks on the outside.
My “short game” in my healing practice has been excellent. I start with a free session, primarily focused on healers who want to take their income up a notch. These are a big hit. I do quite a lot of them.
I also recognized that my “long game” sucks. We’re talking big picture, long term health and success of my business and my goals.
So, I hired a consultant to get me thinking long term so I can fulfill my dream of creating a program that teaches healers to increase their income and go full-time in their practice. I want to help them stop feeling like they don’t deserve to be paid incredible money for their incredible gifts.
And then I resisted the hell out of most of what my consultant was saying!
I noticed we were not on the same page and that I was resisting her more than I thought I would. Oops, sorry!
I knew this shift would be challenging, but I didn’t mean to give her as much grief as I did. She tried her best to make the process work for me. That is key to business: making your systems work for your clients.
BUTT … and it’s a big butt. Ha! Typo, love it cause it’s time to get off your energetic BUTT and actually shift something here – stay with me!
Have YOU ever done this or something like it? Declared that you desired a change or something new and then fought like hell against the very process that would help you get it?
If you have, then you have probably asked like I did, “What’s going on here?”
You have a belief that is getting in the way of you having what you say you want. Period. That’s it. It’s no more complicated or confusing than that.
And here I want to talk about one particular belief that I see come up for a lot of healers in my work: You keep trying to make everything fit your strengths, or your process or how you like to work.
I get it, and I was doing the same thing with my consultant. I basically said, “Okay, I want a new result, and you know how to get it, but I want to do it my way and not change how I’ve been running my business … like, at all.” :)
See the disconnect there?
Are you doing anything similar in your healing practice?
If you don’t have to change, grow or expand, it’s probably not going to work to create a new result.
Excuses or stories like, “Oh I’m an introvert so that approach won’t work for me,” is only half true. If you don’t grow and change you don’t get any new results. If you cleared the belief about being an introvert, you could create a new reality – either as an introvert or not. But being an introvert would no longer define your reality or what’s possible for you.
“I don’t do blog posts, I am better on video” is what I said to my consultant today. Now I’m creating two blog posts at once. They might suck, they might be awesome. Either way I’ll learn, clear the beliefs and energy, and keep creating what I want in my lucrative energy healing practice. Who I am is malleable and flexible. I am source energy. I am creativity. So, what’s it going to take to create what I want?
So many of us in the spiritual arena have been made so wrong for being so different, that now we live as differently as we can possibly be. Which means NO schedule, NO one telling us what to do, and doing it OUR way.
The problem with that is that you’ve now cut off some of the very things that could work for you to grow your practice.
This happened for me big time when I decided to hire another lady for a pretty penny to teach me her online facebook marketing system. I made the decision to pay triple what I usually earn for a private session so that I could learn her system.
Then, even as she’s teaching me the system I recognized that I was resisting her because, “I’ve already tried that, and it doesn’t work.” I could feel myself going down the path of resistance, call it the “Dark Side” for all you fellow Star Wars geeks out there. And in that moment, I decided to go left instead of right. I chose to take on her energy and her belief, instead of my own. And my life has never been the same. My business exploded, and so has my income.
I was willing to shift into a new energy and become something new. And now I have a brand-new result in my healing practice.
So, start thanking resistance when it shows up.
For every resistance that comes up that you move through and clear, you get to make more money this year – but not if you move through it like you always used to. This only works when you move through it and clear the energy and beliefs at the point of creation. As well as any and all judgements that come up in the process.
Want to do that? Click here to sign up for my Clear What’s in the Way session. It’s free.