Shift from Imposter Syndrome to Prosperity Workshop and Recording


Hands-on belief clearing to create ease and flow in your business.

You can own your expertise and expand your visibility, without pretending you’re something you’re not, faking more self-confidence than you have, or stepping over your personal truth ever again.

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Hands-on belief clearing to create ease and flow in your business.

You can own your expertise and expand your visibility, without pretending you’re something you’re not, faking more self-confidence than you have, or stepping over your personal truth ever again.

Hands-on belief clearing to create ease and flow in your business.

You can own your expertise and expand your visibility, without pretending you’re something you’re not, faking more self-confidence than you have, or stepping over your personal truth ever again.

You’re a woman in business, ready to expand and reach success and be fully seen. But you are procrastinating, you’re holding back.

You want to be featured on podcasts and media, to raise your rates, to confidently put yourself out there, to create a more clear marketing plan with email and social media, - but you can’t … seem … to … do … it.

You aren’t alone.

Too many women in business are holding back out of fear of that dreaded question

“Who do you think you are????”


If you are tired of fearing that question, I invite you to feel into this moment, and ask

“Is it time for me to step up into the fullest vision and version of ME in my business?

Please don’t breeze over that question. When you take a moment to answer it, from your heart, magic happens. Also, if you get a “No” then reading the rest of this workshop description will be a waste of your time. And I have no interest in wasting anyones time! ;)

So … Is it time for you to step up into the fullest vision and version of YOU in your business?

If its a no, stop reading and go have a latte and enjoy the day!

If it’s a yes, then read on and I hope to inspire you to join us for this phenomenal workshop!

SO its time for you to OWN your business, and your confidence,

But … something gets in the way.

You “Know what to do” but you aren’t doing it? You know you want to …

Get featured on podcasts, or other media

Raise your rates

Ask confidently for the sale

Create a regular email and social media presence,

Create a more clear niche, target audience, or ideal client,

Have a clear call to action on your website, or in your consultation process, but you just cant’ get the words out?

Too many of us believe that the opposite of feeling like a fraud/Impostor is bravado or OVER-confidence. But that feels wrong on so many levels, so we hide out in not being clear in our sales offer, or product offer, not promoting, etc.

This pendulum swing keeps too many spiritually focused, holistic or heart centred business’s from stepping into their full power in their business.

This talk will be all about moving out of the “Hype” and into the HEART of real confidence. A confidence based on Spirit, a confidence based on your true expertise and gifts.

When you identify your unique energy or spiritual skill, and you OWN it, and you market THAT, you never have to worry about feeling like a fraud again.

Even if you still feel like a fraud after years of producing amazing client results, this workshop is still for you.

This workshop will be full of Energetic strategies to create real self confidence and Live energy and belief clearing to stop being a doormat or stuck in procrastination

In this talk Wil Carlos, Belief clearing expert helps you to identify where you’re been out of energetic alignment, where you’ve been taking action in the wrong places and wondering why things aren’t moving forward the way you’d like.

Main Benefits/Outcomes:

OWN your expertise, and know that you are enough

Do you sometimes have a voice in your head that tells you “You’re not enough/You’re not good enough”? Would you like more space around that so you can continue with your business and life, and find peace within yourself?

End overwhelm.

What if overwhelm and stress were mechanisms to keep you safe? What if you could honour that, and also move beyond that into haven more Fun, Flow and ease in your business?

Stop Playing Small.

Be Big Baby!!! It’s time to allow yourself and your business to be fully seen, to stop hiding. This workshop will not only empower you to expand into your fullest self, but to clear the beliefs and stories that have been making it so scary in the first place.

Get unstuck.

You aren’t stuck. You are just listening to the wrong voices. And that it totally understandable, it’s not even your fault. We’ve been trained to listen to what many would call the “Inner Critic”. This workshop will help you move beyond that limited perspective, to Create deeper Self Love instead. As you make that shift, new and bold actions become fun and fulfilling. Joyful!

End Procrastination

You can stop the busy work my friend! Its time to kick some butt and take some numbers. Once you step out of all the ego reasons for taking action, your deeper spiritual drive to fulfill your Life Purpose comes alive.


This workshop is all about clearing the beliefs, stories and “Stuff” that you’ve had on top of you like a heavy blanket. As you do that, action becomes ease and fun.

So come ready to work!

And most importantly, as you clear all those beliefs and energies, your natural gifts and abilities, YOUR unique contribution, will shine through even more.