Is procrastination keeping you safe?

If you are a Healer who’s trying to be more visible online but it doesn't feel safe, I have some thoughts that might help.

My thoughts below will be especially helpful if this sounds like you …

You procrastinate.

Procrastination isn’t what you think it is.

To quote the great film Princess Bride - “I do not think it means what you think it means”

For example;

You want to get an email out to your list. Or make a FB post so you can start getting emails to have an email list. But instead your son needs help with homework.

Well clearly that comes first.

Or you notice the house is really a mess. Or you realized that your friends party doesn’t have anyone in charge of things yet and needs some attention so you send some emails to get the ball rolling ...

… in other words, you engage in Procrastination.

Seems like all those things are legitimate things, Right? All those people do really need your help. That is true.

Yes, all of those may be true. But they still aren’t the main thing making most Healers procrastinate chronically. Or avoid their online visibility.

So what is the main thing according to this post, and according to my work?

I call it the Helpers Paradox.

The Helpers Paradox states that the Need to help destroy’s your ability to help.

What’s that got to do with procrastination?


What do you usually do instead of that important thing you’re supposed to do?

Help the kids?

Help your community?

Help … someone?

It’s usually helping.

Are there other things that contribute to or lead to procrastination? Of course.

Things like distraction. Life circumstances. Self doubt and fears.

But in my experience the Main thing for Healers (and Coaches and Therapists), is helping. The chronic kind.

If you had no one left to help. No one tugging at your Heart Strings physically or emotionally, what would you do with your time?

This post is not a big call to action. It is a gentle nudge to open a door. A door that might have you see things differently the next time you get overwhelmed, or don’t show up online authentically, or don’t publish that new piece, or don’t engage with your marketing at all … now you might notice something else.

You might notice that Need, that trigger, that need to help. That need to be needed.

Let me know if you do.



The Helpers Paradox