Why I work with women - A 3 part series, Part 2

Reason #2 - My Business Reason - “Working with Women just makes good business sense”

(Plus, my 4 Question formula to help you nail your niche) 
My second big reason for working with women entrepreneurs is very simple because they were the ones that first showed up.
To date, I have delivered over 400 sessions to people in 27 countries around the world. I offered most of these as free sessions.
They were called the “Clear what’s in the way” energy healing sessions. I did this for the first 2 years of my practice, and it allowed me to grow my email list authentically, connect personally with amazing people, and start signing clients directly.
I liked this instead of the other path I saw new businesses take, which centered more around content creation and waiting for clients to contact them. I didn’t like, and still don’t enjoy, creating content nearly as much as I love directly speaking with my clients and audience.
I loved this free session system because it allowed me to sign clients ONLY if they could feel that it was a good fit, if it worked, and if they believed in the results they were feeling during our time together.
It was a “Test drive before you buy” kind of deal, and I loved that.
As I delivered these 400+ sessions, I started to notice certain patterns in the people that would show up. I especially noticed the patterns of the people who would BUY a session or package the most often.
1. They were all women.  (Well, almost all. I have been blessed to work with a few rock star dudes as well, but mostly they were women.)
2. They were all entrepreneurs.

3. They were all in holistic or creative fields. (Healers, Executive Coaches, Leadership Experts, Home Stagers, and Photographers) 
4. They were all spiritual, many were Christian or had a past in the Church.
Why am I telling you all these details about my ideal client? This isn’t a marketing blog post, and marketing isn’t my specialty, so why share all of these kinds of details?
Because this is my most honest answer to the question of “Why do you work with women?” 

Because they showed up, and they keep showing up. 
The second reason I share all of these details is to make an important point that I hope will be a lightbulb moment for you reading this. 
I didn’t try to force myself into a Niche. I didn’t identify a group of people who absolutely NEEDED my services. I didn’t go with my DEEPEST PASSION. I didn’t even follow my wounds to find my niche.
I have many great colleagues that I deeply respect who teach that approach. But it wasn’t my path. I didn’t want to work with another version of myself, every day. That sounded painful and no fun! 
And I’m in business for fun!
So, I work with women because, honestly, they are more fun! 
They are more open to this work, available and ready to change, and see what they need to see to shift themselves and their beliefs. 
Women keep showing up. And they are the ones most easily attracted to my work. Who knows why? But they ask me to work with them, they find me, and I love working with them. 
Men are not asking me. Men are not drawn to me. 
So, I work with women, because That’s who shows up.
If you’d like to apply the same process to organically define your niche, here are the 4 questions I asked as my business grew.
I used these to help me define my niche and my ideal client. I still use these questions today.

  1. Who do I love working with, and who loves working with me?

  2. Who gets the best results when they work with me?

  3. Who pays me?

  4. Who refers me to other wonderful clients the most easily?

(BONUS - Would you like to know the REAL first question I asked to help identify my niche? See the P.S. of this email.)

At first, all I knew is that I loved working with, got great results with, and got paid by, women. So, I followed the energy. And common sense!
I don’t believe that we always have to have some monumental WHY, or reason, for working with the people we do. At least not at first. Maybe at first, we just follow the energy, and later discover a deep why and reason behind why we do what do.
I believe that if we are waiting, or seeking, for some deep WHY that moves mountains this adds a great deal of Significance (https://youtu.be/oMNyJwVPvyo) to our work, and drags our energy down. 
When we are obsessed with our why, with changing the world or helping others, this is a very very dangerous place to be. Because from there it is only one small step over that thin red line to what I call “Helper, fixer, Saviour Syndrome.”
A big part of why I work with women entrepreneurs is because I don’t need to save them. Plus, it’s gross and arrogant if I try! 
That helps keep me in check. It helps keep my “God Complex” in my sights. Because any time I might pull a move like “mansplaining”, or thinking I know better - my sheer disgust knocks me back on my ass! 
STOP working with the people that need you.
Stop choosing your niche from your wounds. - (more on this in my video here)
That is what I did. And that was literally the day I started signing clients.
But I digress, this post is about why I choose to work with women. 
And this second core reason is simple, because they showed up. 
p.s.- So you want to know the REAL first question I asked that helped me define my niche? Here it is “Who would be the most FUN to work with? Who would I LOVE to work with? Who could I work with that I would feel almost guilty, like it was too easy, too much fun, and fear that others might say I couldn’t or shouldn’t work with them?


Why I work with women - A 3 part series, Part 3


Why I work with women - A 3 part series, Part 1