Release Overwhelm Workshop and Meditation Recording

Release Overwhelm Workshop and Meditation Recording


Do you want to build a fantastic holistic business but you often get overwhelmed with all there is to do?
or you are very energetically sensitive to other people’s emotions and it distracts you? :)

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This workshop is your answer to both.

You don’t need to spend so much time dealing with all the impacts of emotional overwhelm or “To-do list” overwhelm. You don’t have to struggle in order to have that business that changes lives.

Are you wondering how that’s possible?

That is what we will cover in this workshop.

I have found that holistic business owners suffer from overwhelm because they actually have a FLOW of abundance trying to get in the door from Spirit, but they are actively blocking it because they simply don’t feel ready.

Their website isn’t ready.

  • Their messaging isn’t as good as others.

  • They don’t always know what to post on social.

  • They are scared of raising their rates and still trying to figure that out.

In this workshop you will

  1. Clear the major blocks that keep the door closed to your freedom from overwhelm

  2. Use a specific process to get you back into trust, flow and spontaneous creative energy

  3. Have a guided meditation and energy clearing process to use over and over again in your own practice.